
Organizations that always think about their own gain and ignore losses that will harm others for their own gain are doomed to lose.

The companies within the TCC Group; takes care to have the necessary competencies for a sustainable environment, social structure and natural resource use.

The concept of “sustainability”, which started to enter our lives with the report “Our Common Future” published by the United Nations in 1987, affects our lives more deeply today and shapes the world of the future. Although sustainability has an environmental connotation at first glance, it is actually a concept used to express a holistic approach with its social, economic and environmental aspects.

The first condition of a sustainable environment is to protect the gifts that nature offers us and to take care that the methods used are sustainable while incorporating them into the production processes. In this way, the continuity of production is ensured without consuming resources. Trees, animals, plants, air, water, soil… Each of these are elements that must be protected and consumed correctly.

For an economically sustainable world, on the one hand, economic continuity is ensured with production and consumption dynamics, on the other hand, attention should be paid to the effective and efficient use of limited resources. In this context, unconscious approaches such as using natural resources as if they will not run out in order to meet economic needs, interfering with the living rights of other living things, and jeopardizing the economic assets of future generations should be avoided.

Another important aspect of sustainability is ensuring social sustainability. The basic condition to achieve this is to strive to increase the potential of meeting human needs with confidence today and in the future. Issues such as quality education, welfare level, security, social cohesion, increasing the quality of life, cultural diversity and ensuring a secure future are the main dynamics of a sustainable social structure.

TCC Group, which always puts people in the center and attaches importance to producing people-oriented solutions, not commercial concerns, acts by considering the above-mentioned issues in all its activities and expects similar sensitivities from both its employees and stakeholders.
